Deliveroo Jolimark TP-510 thermal paper rolls
20 till rolls per box
57mm wide x 70mm diameter
64 meters per till roll
100% more than standard suppliers
150% more than some imported rolls!
BPA Free thermal till rolls
End of roll warning red dye
Manufactured in the UK – we’ve been using the same paper manufacturer for 25+ years
Suitable for the 57mm/58mm wide thermal printers that you find in lots of modern cash registers
These are the best value thermal till rolls you can buy – they have so much more paper on them that the standard 57mm x 57mm rolls
Most till roll suppliers just do 57mm x 57mm and some imported rolls will have even shorter measures
Most cash registers have a printer well deep enough to take a 70mm diameter roll like these 57x70s till rolls
We do both: you can save money with us by ordering the 57mm x 70mm high capacity rolls here, but our 57mm x 57mm rolls are also great value