The SS103 is the same as the SS102, but with customisable lock numbers
Having different key locks front & back are ideal for stores with multiple till points
1 key would be required to remove all safes and 2nd key can be used to open all the safes
Same lock front and back is less secure, but is less hassle as store manager only needs 1 key
Two numbered keys provided with each lock (front & back), so 4 keys in total with each safe
Custom locks ensure we will be able to supply replacement keys & locks in the future
If you are happy with random locks please see the SS102
Please select your lock combination from the list below –
Front Lock No. 20, Back Lock No. 30 – 1 key required to remove all safes & 2nd key can be used to open all the safes
Front Lock No. 20, Back Lock No. 20 – 1 key removes safe from position and opens safe – ideal for minimum hassle
Front Lock No. 30, Back Lock No. 30 – 1 key removes safe from position and opens safe – ideal for minimum hassle